The Ultimate Guide to Styling Your Plain Hijab

Wearing a plain hijab doesn't mean you have to compromise on style. There are countless ways to accessorize and style your hijab to create unique and fashionable looks. Whether you prefer a minimalist approach or want to make a bold statement, this guide will help you elevate your plain hijab game.

1. Choosing the Right Fabric

One of the first steps to styling your plain hijab is choosing the right fabric. Different fabrics drape and hold folds differently, so consider the following options:


  • Lightweight and breathable
  • Ideal for everyday wear


  • Elegant and flowy
  • Perfect for formal occasions


  • Stretchy and comfortable
  • Great for creating voluminous styles

2. Play with Colors and Patterns

Don't be afraid to experiment with different colors and patterns to add visual interest to your plain hijab. Here are some tips for incorporating colors and patterns into your look:

Color Blocking:

  • Pair contrasting colors for a modern look
  • Mix and match solid color hijabs with patterned outfits

Print Mixing:

  • Combine different patterns like stripes and florals for a fun and eclectic style
  • Stick to a color scheme to ensure your look is cohesive

3. Experiment with Different Styles

There are endless ways to style your plain hijab to suit your mood and outfit. Here are some popular hijab styles to try out:

Classic Wrap:

  • Square or rectangular hijab folded and wrapped around the head
  • Simple and timeless look

Side Draped:

  • Wrap the hijab around your head with one side longer than the other
  • Drape the longer side over one shoulder for a stylish asymmetrical look

Turban Style:

  • Wrap the hijab around your head multiple times
  • Create folds and twists for a fashionable turban-inspired look

4. Accessorize Your Hijab

Adding accessories to your plain hijab can take your look to the next level. Here are some ideas for accessorizing your hijab:

Statement Pins:

  • Add jeweled or embellished pins to secure your hijab in place
  • Choose pins that complement your outfit and personal style

Headbands and Headwraps:

  • Place a headband over your hijab for a chic and polished look
  • Opt for headwraps in different textures and colors to add interest to your outfit


  • Statement earrings can be a striking addition to your hijab look
  • Choose earrings that are lightweight and comfortable to wear throughout the day

5. Mix and Match with Outfits

Your hijab can be a versatile accessory that complements your outfits. Consider the following tips for mixing and matching your hijab with different looks:

Monochromatic Look:

  • Pair a hijab in a similar color to your outfit for a sophisticated monochromatic look
  • Experiment with different shades and textures for added depth

Contrasting Colors:

  • Choose a hijab in a contrasting color to make a bold statement
  • Pair a bright hijab with neutral tones for a balanced and eye-catching look

With these styling tips and ideas, you can elevate your plain hijab and create fashionable and versatile looks for any occasion. Remember to have fun experimenting with different styles, colors, and accessories to make your hijab uniquely yours!

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